Rocca Grimalda
Museums in Rocca Grimalda
Piemonte, Italy
Rocca Grimalda, a picturesque village in the province of Alessandria in Piedmont, Italy, offers visitors a range of cultural attractions that provide insight into local history and traditions.
Museo della Maschera: This museum is dedicated to the history and art of mask-making, a significant aspect of regional folklore. The exhibitions include a variety of masks used in traditional festivals and customs, as well as information about the techniques and materials used in their production. Particularly noteworthy is the collection of masks worn in the "Lachera," a traditional dance performed annually during the carnival season.
Castello Malaspina-Grimaldi: This historic castle, originally built in the 13th century, has been renovated and expanded over the centuries. It combines various architectural styles, including medieval, Renaissance, and 19th century elements. Visitors can explore the medieval parts of the castle, including the tall round tower that once served as a prison and still bears drawings and signatures from prisoners of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore: Located in the village center, this church dates back to Romanesque times and is dedicated to Saint James, one of the most important saints in the region. The church is adorned with paintings depicting scenes from the life of Saint John the Baptist, who in local veneration was replaced by Saint James.
These attractions offer a comprehensive insight into the history, art, and culture of Rocca Grimalda and are highly recommended for any visitor.
Museo della maschera

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Associazione Lab. Etno-Antropologico

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Rocca Grimalda, Al, Italia
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